"Anointing expresses the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit upon Christians who are priests and kings unto God."-Smiths Bible Dictionary
The anointing can also be defined as the empowerment from the holy spirit to accomplish a divine assignment. We all have been called by God. Scriptures tell us that some of us are called to be Apostles, while others are called to be Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. No matter what we are called to do for God we need the anointing. Human will(efforts) can't accomplish the will of the Lord. Regardless of our human ability or accomplishment we can't fulfill our calling without the anointing.
In 2014, we need a fresh anointing(Holy Spirit Empowerment) to go to the next level in God. When the anointing mixes with our knowledge, skill, talent and gifts the results could be astronomical. As we pray through our prayer point today tell the Holy Spirit to remove everything that can block the anointing from taking effect in our lives. There are some things we have all been believing that God will do in our lives but we will never see this accomplished with the anointing. If we want to be freed (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18) healed (Mark 6:13, James 5:14) and empowered for our calling (Acts 10:38, 1 Samuel 16:13) we need the anointing. As I close out this blog, I leave you with this thought: " Without the anointing, David would have just been another shepherd boy but with the anointing he defeated Goliath, defeated tens of thousands of enemies, evaded attacks from King Saul, wrote inspiring Psalms and he ultimately became the King that ushered Israel into its golden-age."
The anointing can also be defined as the empowerment from the holy spirit to accomplish a divine assignment. We all have been called by God. Scriptures tell us that some of us are called to be Apostles, while others are called to be Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. No matter what we are called to do for God we need the anointing. Human will(efforts) can't accomplish the will of the Lord. Regardless of our human ability or accomplishment we can't fulfill our calling without the anointing.
In 2014, we need a fresh anointing(Holy Spirit Empowerment) to go to the next level in God. When the anointing mixes with our knowledge, skill, talent and gifts the results could be astronomical. As we pray through our prayer point today tell the Holy Spirit to remove everything that can block the anointing from taking effect in our lives. There are some things we have all been believing that God will do in our lives but we will never see this accomplished with the anointing. If we want to be freed (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18) healed (Mark 6:13, James 5:14) and empowered for our calling (Acts 10:38, 1 Samuel 16:13) we need the anointing. As I close out this blog, I leave you with this thought: " Without the anointing, David would have just been another shepherd boy but with the anointing he defeated Goliath, defeated tens of thousands of enemies, evaded attacks from King Saul, wrote inspiring Psalms and he ultimately became the King that ushered Israel into its golden-age."
Day 7: January 17th. Pray that the Lord release his Anointing: Anointing is the empowerment from the holy spirit to accomplish a divine assignment. We need the Lord to anoint us for the work He wants to do through our individual lives and through EthnosDC(NWM, H2i etc) 2014. Without the anointing we can't operate in our gifting.- Isaiah 61:1-6