Many years ago, I was transformed by the redemptive power of the cross (I became "Born-Again"). From that moment on-ward I became a witness both in words and actions. I remember being in High School witnesses to my friends and colleagues in the dinning hall, team bus and in my classrooms. There was just something deep on the inside of me that desired to testify about what God had done in my life. "It was like fire shut up in my bones". Anytime I was asked to give an account of what I believed, I was always ready and eager to testify as God's witness.
Day 14: January 24th. Pray that God will give us opportunities to witness: We are praying that the Lord will give us open doors to bring the good news with power to the corridors of congress, different people groups and to young people all over the DC Area and around world.--Colossians 4:3, Luke 14:23