As we entered into 2014, many of us have new year's resolutions. Most of these resolutions revolve around changing something about ourselves. The only issue is that
true change/transformation can't be achieved without Christ.
The Apostle Paul states in his second letter to the Corinthians
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has
come:The old has gone, the new is here!"Many people confuse behavioral modification with character transformation but we can only change when have surrendered to the Lordship of Christ.
As we read in the day 4 prayer point below: Romans 12:1-2 indicates that we can only be transformed through the renewal of minds. In Psalm 51:10-17, the same sentiment is echoed but in this passage King David is asking the lord to create a new heart in him. Many times in scripture,the writers inter-change the word heart and mind. Heart/mind in the context of these two scriptures is referring to our character. character involves our thought life, behavior, habits etc. Character transformation happens has we consecrate ourselves in prayer and meditate on God's word.
So, if we want to fulfill our resolutions in 2014 our hearts and minds have to be completely change(transformed). In other words, if want things to change in our lives, we need a "New Heart".
-by Seyi Olagunju
true change/transformation can't be achieved without Christ.
The Apostle Paul states in his second letter to the Corinthians
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has
come:The old has gone, the new is here!"Many people confuse behavioral modification with character transformation but we can only change when have surrendered to the Lordship of Christ.
As we read in the day 4 prayer point below: Romans 12:1-2 indicates that we can only be transformed through the renewal of minds. In Psalm 51:10-17, the same sentiment is echoed but in this passage King David is asking the lord to create a new heart in him. Many times in scripture,the writers inter-change the word heart and mind. Heart/mind in the context of these two scriptures is referring to our character. character involves our thought life, behavior, habits etc. Character transformation happens has we consecrate ourselves in prayer and meditate on God's word.
So, if we want to fulfill our resolutions in 2014 our hearts and minds have to be completely change(transformed). In other words, if want things to change in our lives, we need a "New Heart".
-by Seyi Olagunju
Day 4: January 14th. Pray that the Lord will give us new hearts and minds:
Ask the Lord to renew our hearts and minds concerning this ministry-EthnosDC(NWM, H2i etc) and about our individual goals and assignments. We want the heart and mind of Christ. We must ask the Lord to renew our minds concerning our expectations in 2014. We want to have the right perspective of goals or expectations-Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 51:10-17