Sometimes we wonder why our friends and families have not given their lives to Christ. We get frustrated and sometimes feel inadequate when we can't reach those close to us with the gospel. We all genuinely want those around us to come to Christ but unless the Spirit of God reveals Christ to them they will never believe. What causes many around to reject Christ as savior is because they spiritually blind. The Apostle Paul puts it this way "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake."-2 Corinthians 4:4-5. The god of this age(Ephesians 2:2, John 12:31) is the Devil and he manifests in the world's philosophies, false religions, commerce, repressive governments etc. These blinders confuse many in our culture and around us about the Person of Jesus Christ. The blinders cause deception in the lives of unbelievers. In order to see those around us experience freedom from spiritual blindness their spiritual eyes have to opened. When the glory of God is revealed to the unbeliever its difficult to deny Christ.
So, the question we must ask our-self is this:"How does the eyes of the spiritually blind open?" Two of the most prominent tools(mechanism) the Lord uses to reveal his glory to the unbeliever is prayer and evangelism. Our prayers(Romans 10:1) are as critical as evangelism(Romans 10:14-15) in opening the eyes of the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. At the end of the day we need to pray and share our faith if we want the eyes of the spiritually blind open. As I close out this blog entry, I leave you with a quote from a German evangelist “Evangelism without intercession is like a bomb without a detonator. Intercession without evangelism is like a detonator without a bomb.”- Reinhard Bonnke. As we continue to pray and share(the gospel) with our spouse, children, families, friends, neighbors and colleagues the Holy Spirit will begin to open their eyes.
So, the question we must ask our-self is this:"How does the eyes of the spiritually blind open?" Two of the most prominent tools(mechanism) the Lord uses to reveal his glory to the unbeliever is prayer and evangelism. Our prayers(Romans 10:1) are as critical as evangelism(Romans 10:14-15) in opening the eyes of the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. At the end of the day we need to pray and share our faith if we want the eyes of the spiritually blind open. As I close out this blog entry, I leave you with a quote from a German evangelist “Evangelism without intercession is like a bomb without a detonator. Intercession without evangelism is like a detonator without a bomb.”- Reinhard Bonnke. As we continue to pray and share(the gospel) with our spouse, children, families, friends, neighbors and colleagues the Holy Spirit will begin to open their eyes.
Day 12: January 22nd. Pray that God will open their spiritual eyes & ears: It is so important that we pray that the Lord open the eyes & ears of those who are lost around us. Many of our friends, colleagues, neighbors and many others in our sphere of influence are spiritually blind & deaf because they don’t know Christ. People need to hear from a church that has the words of life. So, our prayer today is that the Holy Spirit will use EthnosDC(NWM, H2i etc) to open the ears & eyes. --2 Corinthians 4:4, Matthew 13:15*, Matthew 13:1-22